It all begins with a connection.

Maybe you want to communicate with friends or family members. Maybe you want to cross language barriers to grow your business. Whatever it is, we would like to help you develop!

Megan Harrison has spent her career teaching in both conventional and contextual classrooms. The seeds of Bridgemaker School of Language grew out of a love for both teaching and speaking the Spanish language. She has taught English in Ethiopia; German to coworkers who were training to teach second languages; and Spanish in many different contexts. Her desire is to help people learn new language skills in fun and functional ways, while also learning about other cultures. All in hopes of connecting communities. 

As a certified teacher in the State of Texas, “Profe Megan” (as she is lovingly called by her students) has a love for learners of all diverse backgrounds. She strives to provide authentic ways to learn the target language in a way that makes sense. In 2016, she received the immense privilege of taking 12 high school students to Costa Rica. Watching her students grow to love a culture outside of their own, while also growing deeper appreciations for their own communities, is exactly why Profe Megan does what she does.

Her biggest desire in founding Bridgemaker School is to connect the English—and Spanish—speaking communities in a way that multiplies our strengths and helps forge a stronger Longview.

Profe Megan

Megan Harrison, AKA “Profe Megan”

I believe that English and Spanish speaking communities are each doing amazing things, but dream of what could be accomplished if we both joined forces. What would happen if we could triple or quadruple our collective strengths? Will you imagine with me, too? ¡Avancemos!
— Profe Megan

Imagine Yourself Learning with Us